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    Sunday, March 25, 2012

    Six Sentence Sunday: "Fixed", Part 4

    Modern Fae Cover for "On the Shelves"
    Here it is, your last Six Sentence Sunday entry for the month of "Fixed", my story in The Modern Fae's Guide to Surviving Humanity. And because I am evil, it is a cliffhanger. If you want to read more, well, you just have to buy the book. ;-)
    “Just as I thought,” she said. “Prepare this animal for surgery. I need to operate immediately.”
    His head shot upward. Backed against the steel bars, he couldn’t help seeing past her glamour. The lines scoring her forehead and bracketing the corners of her wide, lipsticked mouth floated like a painted veil over a pale, ageless face as perfect as a marble Madonna.

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