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    Tuesday, April 2, 2019

    My 2019 RavenCon Schedule

    The 2019 con season has arrived, and my opener is a great one: RavenCon. Come join us in Williamsburg, Virginia, April 5-7, for panels, gaming, music, art and a great Masquerade. And if you decide to check out a few of my panels, I won’t object. Heck, I’ll make it easier by listing them all. Hope to see you there!


    8 - 8:50 PM Reading Room 4
    Valerie J. Mikles, Jean Marie Ward

    10 PM (Panel) Alt-History with a Fantastical Flair / Room 8
    Alternate history often has a military basis and a near-future, SF flavor… but it doesn’t have to be that way. Our panel considers alt-history that leans to the fantastic. Panelists: Doc Coleman (Moderator), Cass Morris, Jean Marie Ward, John C. Wright

    11 PM (Panel) This Is Halloween / Room L
    All Hallow's Eve, Samhain, All Souls' Day, Dia de los Muertos, Mischief Night… Whatever you want to call it, we’ll discuss the history of Halloween, its various traditions, and how it’s influenced our favorite books and moviesAll Hallow's Eve, Samhain, All Souls' Day, Dia de los Muertos, Mischief Night… Whatever you want to call it, we’ll discuss the history of Halloween, its various traditions, and how it’s influenced our favorite books and moviesAll Hallow's Eve, Samhain, All Souls' Day, Dia de los Muertos, Mischief Night… Whatever you want to call it, we’ll discuss the history of Halloween, its various traditions, and how it’s influenced our favorite books and movies. Panelists: Richard Groller (M), Jeanne Adams, Syrinx, Jean Marie Ward

    Midnight (Panel) Dream Narratives / Room 8
    From William Shakespeare to Lewis Carroll to Neil Gaiman, ambitious authors are addicted to dreams as a narrative device. What's going on when we're asleep that is so terribly compelling to fantasy writers? Panelists: Jeanne Adams (M), Emily Lavin Leverett, Pat O’Keefe, Jean Marie Ward


    2 PM - 4 PM (Reading) Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading / Room F / Moderator
    Join members of Broad Universe—an organization dedicated to women in genre fiction—for a whole bunch of really short readings crammed into one panel. Jean Marie Ward (M), Jeanne Adams, Margaret L. Carter, Paige L. Christie, Jason Gilbert, Laurel Anne Hill, Amy Kaplan, Dina Leacock, Emily Lavin Leverett, Gail Z. Martin, Melissa McArthur, Margaret S. McGraw, Nancy Northcott, Jennifer R. Povey, Leann Rettell, Joan Wendland, Leona Wisoker

    6 PM (Panel) Writing Ancient Cultures / Room F
    We weren’t there, but we want to make our readers feel like they are. How do we manage to accurately and adequately set the stage? Learn how much research is necessary, how much is too much, and where to go to get the best sources. James P. Nettles (M), Cass Morris, Jean Marie Ward, Robert Waters

    7 PM Female Friendship in SFF / Room 8
    In attempting to write strong female characters, many authors strip these characters of close personal relationships and supportive friendships. How can authors address this and who is getting it right? Panelists: Nancy Northcott (M), Paige L. Christie, Cass Morris, Jean Marie Ward

    9 PM (Panel) Crime and Fantasy / Room 8 / Moderator
    From vampire assassins to wizard private eyes to undead thugs, crime has been mixing it up with fantasy for years. What is it about crime, noir, and the paranormal that's so appealing? Also, what are some really good titles? Panelists: Jean Marie Ward (M), R.S. Belcher, John C. Wright