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    Wednesday, August 10, 2022

    My Preliminary Schedule for Dragon Con 2022

    It’s finally starting to feel real. Dragon Con just sent my preliminary schedule for this year’s con. The panels, dates, and times may change, but my final schedule will be close to what you see here. Can’t wait! I’ve been missing my friends way too long!

    Hope to see you there!

    Thursday, September 1

    Title: Virtual: Fact or Fiction, A&HFT 2022 Edition
    Description: Our historical fiction writers will refresh your memory on major historical events and goings-on. Of course, not everyone can remember history as it truly happens. Is it fact? Is it fiction? Join our cast of unlucky souls who will determine which story is FACT and which is FICTION...
    Time: 10:00 am
    Location: STRM_YTTC (Length: 1 Hour)

    Friday, September 2

    Title: Defining SF in the Era of the Sub-Genre
    Description: There are so many different definitions of sf. There are an equal number of sub-genres (military sf, space opera, etc.) Our panelists discuss how definitions have changed through the years.
    Time: 11:30 am
    Location: Embassy AB (Length: 1 Hour)

    Title: Finding Balance: Shifters & Werecreatures in UF
    Description: Werecreatures & shifters of various types display a wide range of characteristics within the genre, and each deals differently with maintaining a balance between their human and non-human side. Our panel of authors will discuss their versions, as well as some of their favorites in books & media.
    Time: 01:00 pm
    Location: Chastain 1-2 (Length: 1 Hour)

    Title: Humor in SF
    Description: It takes a deft hand to imbue science fiction with humor, Whether it is subtle or slapstick, our panelists talk about how this is best done and give examples.
    Time: 07:00 pm
    Location: Embassy AB (Length: 1 Hour)

    Saturday, September 3

    Title: Herstorically Speaking: Vanishing Women in History
    Description: Explore the women that changed the world as we know it, both living and dead. Where would we be without these women that seem to have vanished into the mists of time and how would the world have changed if they hadn't been erased?
    Time: 05:30 pm
    Location: Macon (Length: 1 Hour)

    Sunday, September 4

    Title: Scandalous: Historical Gossip
    Description: Some of our favorite authors share secrets and stories they've uncovered as they dug deep in their research. Bring the tea, because these authors will spill it as they unearth the side of history that couldn't remain hidden forever.
    Time: 05:30 pm
    Location: Macon (Length: 1 Hour)

    Monday, September 5

    Title: If I Could Do It Over Again...
    Description: Every writer makes a (some? many?) mistake. Maybe this panel will help beginning writers avoid those same mistakes.
    Time: 11:30 am
    Location: Embassy EF (Length: 1 Hour)

    Title: Win, Lose or Draw
    Description: The game show where contestants have to draw various things from sf, Dragon Con itself, and fantasy. If their team guesses it in the allotted time, they win the round.
    Time: 02:30 pm
    Location: Embassy AB (Length: 1 Hour)

    Tags: #DragonCon #conschedule #JeanMarieWard