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    Sunday, January 17, 2010

    Waiting to Promo

    Still deep in the writing cave, but I'll be emerging soon. Promise! (Be afraid. Be very afraid...) As a foretaste, today I posted the first tickle of promo for "Hoodoo Cupid", my February 4 release from Red Rose, at Beyond the Veil.
    Tomorrow, if I figure out how to do it, I'll try to post a very low res version of one of the interior pages of Fantasy Art Templates. My promo copies arrived yesterday, and they are beautiful beyond belief. Even better, earlier tonight Jana Oliver was looking for the name of a specific member of the angelic hosts--and it was in there, along with everything from pirates to giants to snake goddesses. Not only is it gorgeous, the book's a great reference too. Win!
    Cheers and smiles,

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