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    Sunday, August 25, 2019

    My Schedule for Dragon Con 2019

    Where did the year go? Dragon Con is here. This week, and I’m not WORTHY—I mean READY!!! But my schedule is. Hope you’ll come and join the fun in Atlanta, August 29 – September 2. Looking forward to seeing you and your cosplay there!

    Title: Killjoys: Reboot after the Loss
    Time: Fri 04:00 pm Location: M302-M303 - Marriott (Length: 1 Hour)
    Description: The Lady turned the world (or at least Westerly) upside down, & we'll see just how our intrepid band sort themselves out & figure out just how to wrap up this far-ranging battle from one dimension to the next.
    Panelists: Kevin Bachelder, Bethany Kesler (M), Jean Marie Ward, Neisha Mulchan, Kitty Chandler

    Title: The Haunting of Shirley Jackson
    Description: A discussion about the works of Shirley Jackson, whose fiction ran the gamut from examinations of domestic life to chilling tales of terror.
    Time: Fri 05:30 pm Location: Peachtree 1-2 - Westin (Length: 1 Hour)
    Moderator / MC for panel 
    (Tentative Panelists: Jonathan Maberry, Clay Gilbert, Cecilia Dominic, Amanda DeWees, Jean Marie Ward)

    Title: Fighting in Space: Planning a Space Battle
    Description: How do you plan a space battle? It's a whole lot more than just saying "a lot of missiles get sent to blow something up."
    Time: Sat 07:00 pm Location: Embassy AB - Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)
    Moderator / MC for panel 
    (Tentative Panelists: David Weber, Jack Campbell, Jean Marie Ward, David Afsharirad, Michael Chatfield, Charles E. Gannon)

    Title: Dragon Con Short Takes:
    Description: Bite-sized readings from some of your favorite authors, featuring those you know and love—and those you haven’t discovered yet.
    Time: Sat 08:30 pm Location: Kennesaw - Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)
    Moderator / MC for panel 
    (Tentative Panelists: Jean Marie Ward, Gail Z. Martin, Clay Griffith, John G. Hartness, Jeanne P Adams, James Nettles, Trisha J. Wooldridge)

    Title: Courtesans, Mistresses & Madams: History's Most Famous Working Women
    Description: History has a lot of unsung heroes, specifically in this profession. Contrary to what you may have read, some of the most notorious and celebrated madams and ladies of ill repute have shaped and often guided our history. This survey panel showcases some you should know about.
    Time: Sat 10:00 pm Location: Macon - Sheraton (Length: 1 Hour)
    (Tentative Panelists: Cat Rambo, Gail Z. Martin, Cecilia Dominic, Jean Marie Ward)

    Title: From Purgatory and Into the Light: A Wynonna Earp Fan Panel
    Description: The Earp curse was broken, Peacemaker is now a sword, and almost everyone has disappeared from Purgatory. Oh, and the fandom spent 132 days with the show on the brink of never-coming-back. It's safe to say there will be lots to talk about in this moderated fan-panel discussion.
    Time: Sun 11:30 am Location: Chastain 1-2 - Westin (Length: 1 Hour)
    (Tentative Panelists: Kevin Bachelder, Jean Marie Ward, Lisa Manifold, Stuart Jaffe, John G. Hartness)

    Title: Win, Lose, or Draw
    Description: The traditional end-of-Con game show. Put your drawing & guessing talents to work for wonderful prizes.
    Time: Mon 01:00 pm Location: Embassy AB - Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)
    Moderator / MC for panel 
    (Tentative Panelists: Jean Marie Ward)

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