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    Wednesday, April 18, 2018

    My Schedule for RavenCon 2018

    It’s con season—and not a moment too soon. This year, it may be the only way to tell spring has sprung.
    First up is one of my favorites, RavenCon. I hope you’ll join me and guests like Chuck Wendig, Mark Cline and Eric Wile in Williamsburg, Virginia, April 20-22. The programming, as you can see from my schedule, can’t be beat:

    5 PM, Room 4
    Panelists: Val Griswold-Ford and Jean Marie Ward

    6 PM, Room 8
    Worldbuilding: Crafting New Worlds--How to create worlds and universes that are unique and original.
    Panelists: Michael Thompson (M), Jennifer R. Povey, Mark H. Wandry, Jean Marie Ward

    8 PM, Room 8
    How Women Challenge and Change Science Fiction and Fantasy--We'll go over the influence of both female characters and female authors on science fiction and fantasy.
    Panelists: Jean Marie Ward (M), Andrea Judy, Kettle Macaulay, Misty Massey

    3-5 PM, Room 5
    Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading—Two hours of bite-sized readings from some of your favorite authors—with chocolate and door prizes.
    Panelists: Jean Marie Ward (M), Samantha Bryant, Meriah Lysistrata Crawford, Paula S. Jordan, A.L. Kaplan, Emily Lavin Leverett, Gail Z. Martin, Jennifer R. Povey, Ken Schrader, Leona R. Wissoker

    5 PM, Room 8
    Making the Impossible Plausible--How can you make the impossible seem at least somewhat plausible in your writing?
    Panelists: John G. Walker (M), Jim Beall, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Jean Marie Ward

    6 PM, Room 8
    Effective Writing of Historical Fiction--How to keep the historical part of your writing from flying into the fantastical.
    Panelists: Sandra J. Baldari (M), L. Jagi Lamplighter, Cecilee Linke, Jean Marie Ward

    7 PM, Room L
    Falstaff Books Spotlight—The latest from the Misfit Toys of your favorite small press.
    Panelists: John G. Hartness (M), Darin Kennedy, Misty Massey, Jean Marie Ward

    9 PM, Room L
    It’s a Con. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Our panelists know, and they’ve promised to tell all.
    Panelists: MrShirt (M), Stacey Helton, Greg Smith, Jean Marie Ward

    If you want to learn more, check out the RavenCon website and their onlineschedule. Or better yet, join us there. You won’t regret it.

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