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    Tuesday, August 30, 2016

    My Dragon Con 2016 Schedule

    Almost forgot the promotional part of running away to join the circus that is Dragon Con—my schedule! Hope to see you there. This year’s con is sure to be more amazing than usual, since the Dragon is turning thirty. My, they grow so fast. I remember when it was just a little wyrm, too small and too young to vote... ;-)
    Happy Labor Day Weekend, everyone!

    Time: Fri 08:30 pm Location: Embassy CD - Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)
    Title: Social Media as a Tool--not a Trial
    Description: Face it, savvy authors use social media to their advantage. But, it's a two-headed demon...Secrets of taming that beast.
    Moderator / MC for panel
    (Tentative Panelists: Gail Z. Martin, Jean Marie Ward, Debbie Viguie, Sheila English, Julie Kenner)

    Time: Sat 02:30 pm Location: Embassy AB - Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)
    Title: Getting it Wrong and Living to Tell About It
    Description: Writers aren't perfect. (I know, shocking, isn't it?) Sometimes, they get their research wrong, or publicly insert both feet in their mouths and try to run with them. Sometimes, they even change facts on purpose. Panelists talk about the times they screwed up, and how they fixed it.
    Moderator / MC for panel
    (Tentative Panelists: Jean Marie Ward, L. M. Davis, A. J. Hartley, Milton J. Davis, Roshani Hitesh Chokshi)

    Time: Sat 04:00 pm Location: Piedmont - Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)
    Title: Reading: Broad Universe
    Description: The ladies & gentlemen of Broad Universe read snippets from their work.
    (Tentative Panelists: Gail Z. Martin, Jean Marie Ward, Trisha J. Woldridge, John G. Hartness, Clay and Susan Griffith)

    Time: Sun 08:30 pm Location: Embassy AB - Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)
    Title: Kicking You Out - What Throws You Out of a Story?
    Description: You're reading a really good book, caught up in the storyline. Suddenly it happens. A factual mistake, a really bad typo, a favorite character suddenly acting totally wrong...or something else. What is it that can kick you totally out of the world the writer is presenting?
    Moderator / MC for panel
    (Tentative Panelists: Jean Marie Ward, Trisha J. Woldridge, Chris A Jackson)

    Time: Mon 01:00 pm Location: Embassy AB - Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)
    Title: SF Win, Lose or Draw!
    Description: Compete with fellow fans in getting your team to decipher your drawings of words, phrases and items from around the SF world. The winners will receive prizes and accolades.
    (Tentative Panelists: Jean Marie Ward)

    Time: Mon 02:30 pm Location: Chastain DE - Westin (Length: 1 Hour)
    Title: The End of the Line: A Lost Girl Fan Panel
    Description: A moderated fan-panel discussion of the beloved series' last season, and whether or not it provided closure and a satisfying ending.
    (Tentative Panelists: Kevin Bachelder, Jean Marie Ward, Valerie Hampton, E.J. Stevens)

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