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    Monday, September 15, 2014

    Clockwork Universe: Steampunk vs. Aliens is officially ticking!

    Just in time for you to see what all the fuss is about before Zombies Need Brains starts up another Kickstarter, ZNB's first anthology, Clockwork Universe: Steampunk vs. Aliens has landed at a retailer near you. It's got Steampunk. It's got little green men, bug-eyed monsters, secret agent chickens and Chihuahuas. What more do you need ?

    A table of contents? We can do that:

    "The Cavorite Job" by Ian Tregillis
    "Gracie's Fire" by Leah Cutter
    "Quinta Essentia" by Bradley P. Beaulieu
    "When Comrade Ekaterina Died for the Motherland" by J.R. Hargenrader
    "A Clockwork Alien" by Gini Koch
    "Heart of the Empire" by Jason Palmatier
    "The Red Queen and the White" by C.B. Pratt
    "The Wizard of Woodrow Park" by Jean Marie Ward (me!)
    "Of War and Wings" by Tansy Raynor Roberts
    "Airship Down: A Sound and Fury Adventure" by Gail Z. and Larry N. Martin
    "Steamsuit" by David J. Fortier
    "Fingers of Steam, Veins of Gold" by Brad Hafford
    "Heart of Clockwork" by S.C. Butler
    "Lady Antheia's Guide to Horticultural Warfare" by Seanan McGuire

    All edited by the irrepressible Joshua Palmatier and Patricia Bray, the same folks who brought you The Modern Fae's Guide to Surviving Humanity and After Hours: Tales from the Ur-Bar.
    Wanna taste? I've got your excerpt right here. Or you could check out one of the early reviews:

    "They take a steampunk nineteenth century…and add aliens. Would Earth even recognize the threat? It’s a nod to industrialism… A high-five to technological advancement… And, above all, kudos to the genius of action-packed prose."

    Not only that, the book comes in all your favorite flavors:

    Trade Paperback 




    What are you waiting for? Those Chihuahuas can't hold out forever, you know. ;-)

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