I posted my photos of Nebula Weekend on Flickr. I wanted to get them done before heading to Balticon. They're smaller than usual. Next time I won't resize in Corel Paint, but I have the full-size originals if anyone is interested. Besides they're big enough to see the smiles.
When I get back from Balticon, I'll be working pedal to the metal on a fiction deadline as well as on a spate of video interviews for Buzzy Multimedia. Yes, me, making movies. Mwahahaha!
I turned in the first, an interview with Carole Nelson Douglas (the Delilah Street paranormal mystery series, among many, many others) on Tuesday. It should air in a few days. Next up will be the interviews I recorded at the Nebulas: Connie Willis (this year's winner for best novel--I think Connie owns more Nebulas thany anyone), John Scalzi, Joe Haldeman, Mary Robinette Kowal and Chris Claremont.
Who knows who'll find themselves in my lens in Balticon? Be afraid. Be very afraid.
But don't forget to attend my panels!
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