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    Thursday, March 18, 2010

    For those who only know me from my posts on teh Intarwebs...

    You can now hear my voice, almost as if you were stuck next to me at a con.  ;-)  I'm the second of four featured writers on the Women's History Month edition of the Broad Universe Broad Pod podcast.  My readings are two of the very short stories at "Clear as Glass" and "Green Eyes". The other readers are Phoebe Wray, Karen A. Romanko and Elissa Malcohn.
    Broad Universe is an international organization of women and men dedicated to exploring and promoting the work of women writers in science fiction, fantasy and horror.  They're the organization which sponsors the Rapid Fire Readings I'm so addicted to, including the one scheduled for the Library of Congress April 12.  But more about that tomorrow.  This post is all about the Pod, the Broad Pod.

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