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    Monday, February 8, 2010

    SnowMyGosh 2010

    You knew I had to post pictures of this weekend's SnowMyGosh. I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't seen it. Depending on where you were in the Washington DC area, the snow stick measured between 18 and 32 inches of accumulation. The Squirrel Towers side of the hill collected around 24 inches.

    I'm still stupefied. I've lived in this area most of my life, and I've never seen a winter to match. Not one, but two--TWO--record snowfalls, and the season's still promising more. We could get between another two and eight inches by mid-week.

    What makes this all the more surreal: in late 2008 I visited a friend in Montana. I was enchanted by her town and awed by the vastness of the landscape, but we both agreed I couldn't handle the winter. So I flew home to Virginia.
    How the heck did Montana sneak on the plane?

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