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    Sunday, May 31, 2009

    Yesterday I Will

    Last August, Jim Levin of the York Emporium bookstore and curiosity shop announced a writing competition. The only criteria were the story had to be under five thousand words and it needed to carry the title "Yesterday I Will". Inspired by a preview of Weird Tales' first One-Minute Weird Tale, I wrote a 69-word story that I thought was pretty funny. Fortunately, the judges agreed. The story made it to the final anthology, which I finally got to hold in my hot little hands at Balticon. No reviews so far, and it's only available through Fortress Publishing, Amazon and The York Emporium, but if you like new voices and edgy science fiction, this is the anthology for you.

    And then there's my story... ;-)

    Wednesday, May 27, 2009

    Back from Balticon

    Yeah, yeah, I know I owe you blogs and photos from three conferences, but for Balticon I had help.

    If you want to put it all together, check out Kelly Harmon's blog about her first day at Balticon. And if you can't get enough of meme, check out Gail Z. Martin's coverage of the Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading. Better yet, check out the video for the other wonderful writers, like Gail and Kelly, whose stories I highly recommend.


    Tuesday, May 19, 2009

    Shameless Balticon Promotion

    I’m going back on con time this weekend. From Friday to Monday, May 22-25, you’ll find me at Balticon, Baltimore’s premier science fiction and fantasy con, held over the Memorial Day Weekend at the Hunt Valley Marriott. I hope you’ll check it out. And if you’re looking for me in particular, here’s where you’ll find me:

    Friday, 6 p.m.
    Humor in Science Fiction and Fantasy - Panelists will help you see the humor you may have missed in the work of Charles Stross and others. They will also look at the history of humor in the genres from Feghoots to the present. Panelists: Tom Doyle, Grig Larson, James Daniel Ross and Jean Marie Ward.

    Saturday, 3 p.m.
    Television Science Fiction and Fantasy – Admit it, you love it. But it makes you feel so guilty in the morning. Panelists: Dale Arnold, Brenda Clough, Thomas Horman, Elaine Stiles and Jean Marie Ward.

    Saturday, 7 p.m.
    Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading – Six of Balticon’s featured women writers bring you into their worlds with six-minute readings from their newest fiction. (I plan to read my latest, “Lord Bai’s Discovery of Bacon”. The editor who asked for it will be in the audience. Be afraid. Be very afraid.) Panelists: Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Roxanne Bland, Kelly A. Harmon, Gail Z. Martin, Jean Marie Ward and Trisha J. Woolridge.

    Sunday, 4 p.m.
    Reading as Exploration - Tell us about books you have explored recently or those you remember from the past. Panelists: David Glenn Anderson, Robert R. Chase, Darrell Schweitzer, Jean Marie Ward and Martin Morse Wooster.

    Wednesday, May 13, 2009

    DragonCon Whoops

    That's whoops as in "cheers", not the kind you say when you drop something. Derek Tatum, the chair of the DragonCon Dark Fantasy track, has posted his preliminary guest list, and look who's on it:

    Michelle Belanger
    Doug Bradley
    Elizabeth Donald
    John Everson
    Allan Gilbreath
    Christopher Golden
    Rosemary Ellen Guiley
    Charlaine Harris
    Raven Hart
    Mark Henry
    Stacia Kane
    Sherrilyn Kenyon
    Jackie Kessler
    Caitlin Kittredge
    Alethea Kontis
    Rosemary Laurey
    J.F. Lewis
    Jonathan Maberry
    Marianne Mancusi
    Richelle Mead
    Mike Mignola
    Scott Nicholson
    Cherie Priest
    Kat Richardson
    Stephen H. Segal
    Jeanne Stein
    Jean Marie Ward
    Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

    Can you tell I'm grinning from ear to ear? :D
    Cheers and smiles,

    The Podcast

    As noted in my tweet, the next voice you'll hear on Gail Z. Martin's Ghost in the Machine podcast is mine. She did an amazing job, especially considering I was having one of those days where my brain wasn't talking to my mouth. LOL Sometimes I think writers have more of those than anybody else. Enjoy!