Twitter Updates
Sunday, December 27, 2009
This was supposed to be a test
Of the RSS feed at Amazon, but dang! A kind reader posted a good review of With Nine You Get Vanyr on the other book site. Thanks Anonymous!
Saturday, December 19, 2009

(Image: (c) Greg Uchrin,
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Cover Glee
It's now live: my cover for "Hoodoo Cupid", coming February 4, 2010, from Red Rose Publishing.

Isn't it gorgeous? The artist is Red Rose's Art Director Shirley Burnett, and she totally aced it.
Cheers and big, big smiles,

Isn't it gorgeous? The artist is Red Rose's Art Director Shirley Burnett, and she totally aced it.
Cheers and big, big smiles,
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Remember that good news I couldn't talk about?
I can now. The German and British rights to Jana Oliver's Demontrappers series have been sold in what Publishers Marketplace likes to call good deals. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Book one is scheduled for a summer 2010 release, and it's going to be fabulous. The beta version blew my socks off. Can't wait to read the final.
Cheers and happy dances,
Jean Marie
*off to watch the Muppets play "Bohemian Rhapsody" again*
Cheers and happy dances,
Jean Marie
*off to watch the Muppets play "Bohemian Rhapsody" again*
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Ward Theater Sneak Peak
I've posted a sneak peak of the next installment of Ward Theater, "Green Eyes", at Beyond the Veil. It'll go live at on December 1, but until then, if you want to read it, you've got to go BtV.
beyond the veil,
flash fiction,
green eyes,
ward theater
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Blogging for a friend
Bianca D'Arc was one of the first Samhain writers I met live--and one of the nicest. Her paranormal romances, usually featuring m/f/m menage, have won numerous awards, and in January her first m/f/m zombie romance will be released from Kensington. This is all great professional news for her.
What's not great is what's happening in her personal life. Her mom is very, very ill. As a result, she's not even thinking about promoting her latest Samhain release, Dragon Storm. So the rest of us at Beyond the Veil are trying to help out. BtV's fearless leader, Carolan, has posted the publisher's blurb and a link to an excerpt. If paranormal menage--with dragons--is your thing, you won't be disappointed.
What's not great is what's happening in her personal life. Her mom is very, very ill. As a result, she's not even thinking about promoting her latest Samhain release, Dragon Storm. So the rest of us at Beyond the Veil are trying to help out. BtV's fearless leader, Carolan, has posted the publisher's blurb and a link to an excerpt. If paranormal menage--with dragons--is your thing, you won't be disappointed.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Adventures in Capclave
My report on Capclave 2009 is now live at Beyond the Veil. And the rest of the photos can be found on my Flickr page. Enjoy!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
DragonCon 2009: First Notes
Back from DragonCon. I had such a fabulous time I'm way to tired to write coherently about it, but I thought I'd post a few (a very few!) of the highlights as a teaser of things to come--as soon as I finish sorting the 570 photos I took. Until then, this will have to do:
- FINALLY getting to see a panel with James Marsters (with green hair, no less) and Gareth David-Lloyd (Ianto Jones in Torchwood).
- Running into an old friend I hadn't seen in years directly afterwards.
- Hanging with friends like artist/writer Marianne Plumridge and her husband, artist Bob Eggleton, Jana Oliver, Teresa Patterson and my roomie Dorie. Also ran into the old Press Room gang--Star, Leigh, Kelly, Dave & Phyl. (Randi couldn't make it, but I did talk to her and the new bambino.)
- Dinner with Crissy Brashear (owner and publisher of Samhain Publishing), Jacob Hammer (Samhain's office manager), Alex Ross (Jacob's girlfriend) and writers Ally Blue and Rosemary Laurey/Georgia Evans and her husband George at Nikolai's on the Roof, the extraordinary restaurant on the top of the Hilton. The company was fabulous and the dinner... Well, let me put it this way, the meal started on plates with gilded images of Faberge eggs and ended with the presentation of a single red rose to all the ladies.
- The amazing historical and Steampunk costumes, and dressing up in my own less amazing Steampunk outfit (see Marianne's great picture of her husband, artist Bob Eggleton). At least the hat, the rose from Nikolai's, and all of Marianne's DragonCon pics were splendid. ;-)
- Sitting back-to-back with William Shatner, Kate Mulgrew and Leonard Nimoy at the DragonCon Awards Banquet. (BTW, they're actually serving meat now--the banquet, I mean, not the stars.)
- The Cruxshadows concert. (Duh!)
- Surviving a four-panel Sunday running from 10 a.m. (after the Cruxshadows concert--ow!) to 11 p.m., after the "sex panel": "Sex in SF/Fantasy--Too Much or Not Enough?"
- The Lost Boys concert at the Pirate Ball followed by costume watching at the Marriott Starbucks, which has replaced The Perk as the ultimate people-watching destination since the Hyatt has gotten pissy about photos in the lobby.
- Sitting next to Rogue on my last panel, "Under Raven's Wings: 200 Years of Poe", listening to three of his dramatic readings, including the awesome "Annabel Lee", and having him autograph this year's Cruxshadows single for Bree and me when the panel was done. And day-um, he smelled good. White musk, I think. (Made me wish I'd packed my favorite Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab scents, but I've been afraid ever since my hand lotion triggered Barbara Hambly's allergies at World Fantasy Con.)
- Drinking 12-year-old Glenlivet single malt in the Green Room at the Hair of the Dog Party (i.e., the clearing of the Green Room after the Dead Dog Party). I didn't even know they had Glenlivet in the Green Room.
- Getting back home to Greg and the Duz. Gotta recover in time for next year, after all. ;-)
- FINALLY getting to see a panel with James Marsters (with green hair, no less) and Gareth David-Lloyd (Ianto Jones in Torchwood).
- Running into an old friend I hadn't seen in years directly afterwards.
- Hanging with friends like artist/writer Marianne Plumridge and her husband, artist Bob Eggleton, Jana Oliver, Teresa Patterson and my roomie Dorie. Also ran into the old Press Room gang--Star, Leigh, Kelly, Dave & Phyl. (Randi couldn't make it, but I did talk to her and the new bambino.)
- Dinner with Crissy Brashear (owner and publisher of Samhain Publishing), Jacob Hammer (Samhain's office manager), Alex Ross (Jacob's girlfriend) and writers Ally Blue and Rosemary Laurey/Georgia Evans and her husband George at Nikolai's on the Roof, the extraordinary restaurant on the top of the Hilton. The company was fabulous and the dinner... Well, let me put it this way, the meal started on plates with gilded images of Faberge eggs and ended with the presentation of a single red rose to all the ladies.
- The amazing historical and Steampunk costumes, and dressing up in my own less amazing Steampunk outfit (see Marianne's great picture of her husband, artist Bob Eggleton). At least the hat, the rose from Nikolai's, and all of Marianne's DragonCon pics were splendid. ;-)
- Sitting back-to-back with William Shatner, Kate Mulgrew and Leonard Nimoy at the DragonCon Awards Banquet. (BTW, they're actually serving meat now--the banquet, I mean, not the stars.)
- The Cruxshadows concert. (Duh!)
- Surviving a four-panel Sunday running from 10 a.m. (after the Cruxshadows concert--ow!) to 11 p.m., after the "sex panel": "Sex in SF/Fantasy--Too Much or Not Enough?"
- The Lost Boys concert at the Pirate Ball followed by costume watching at the Marriott Starbucks, which has replaced The Perk as the ultimate people-watching destination since the Hyatt has gotten pissy about photos in the lobby.
- Sitting next to Rogue on my last panel, "Under Raven's Wings: 200 Years of Poe", listening to three of his dramatic readings, including the awesome "Annabel Lee", and having him autograph this year's Cruxshadows single for Bree and me when the panel was done. And day-um, he smelled good. White musk, I think. (Made me wish I'd packed my favorite Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab scents, but I've been afraid ever since my hand lotion triggered Barbara Hambly's allergies at World Fantasy Con.)
- Drinking 12-year-old Glenlivet single malt in the Green Room at the Hair of the Dog Party (i.e., the clearing of the Green Room after the Dead Dog Party). I didn't even know they had Glenlivet in the Green Room.
- Getting back home to Greg and the Duz. Gotta recover in time for next year, after all. ;-)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Eight Panels & Counting: My 2009 DragonCon Schedule
Are we there yet?
DragonCon, the world’s greatest summer camp for wayward adults (2009 edition), starts in five or six days, depending on whether you count the Alternate History Track Meet & Greet at Max Lager’s brew pub and the concerts Thursday night. (I do.) I’m pumped. I’ve got my postcards (for Fantasy Art Templates, the art book slated for release in March 2010). I’ve got bookmarks for Master of Crows, Grace Draven’s fabulous fantasy romance. I will have postcards and bookmarks for the spouse’s web site, Intravenous Caffeine as soon as they arrive at home of an Atlanta-based friend.
But I don’t have a thing to wear!
Actually I’ve got quite a lot. I need it, because in addition to the Meet & Greet, the Time Travelers Ball (Friday, September 4) and the Pirate Party (Sunday, September 6), I’ve got eight panels! And once again, The Powers That Be have blithely assumed that I will be conscious and capable of carrying on intelligent conversation with the likes of Peter David and Katherine Kurtz at 10 a.m. on the morning after the Cruxshadows’ midnight concert. They are so insane. I am so doomed. Of course, I’ll be worse at 1 p.m., Monday, September 7, when they’ve scheduled me on a panel with Rogue, the Cruxshadows’ lead singer. Get your earplugs now. Given the fan girl squee that’s building, you’ll need them.
There will be photos.
Eventually. ;-) Hope to see you there!
You Say Religion, I Say Magic – An examination of the use of religion and magic systems in science fiction & fantasy. What is their place and why? Panelists: D.A. Adams, Linda L. Donahue, James Palmer, Stephanie Souders (Moderator), Jean Marie Ward. 1 p.m., Greenbriar Room (Hyatt)
They SHOULD Be Movies! Books You Want to See on Film – Indulge your fantasies. Talk about the books you most want to see on the big screen…and who’d you most like to see do them. Panelists: Van Plexico, Jean Marie Ward. 4 p.m. Fairlie Room (Hyatt)
Where Do You Go When You Need…? – The pitfalls and benefits of doing research for your writing. Panelists: Peter David, Katherine Kurtz, Terri Osborne, James Palmer, Jean Marie Ward. 10 a.m. Fairlie Room (Hyatt)
Beyond Binaries – Gender Roles in Science Fiction & Fantasy – What fantasy and science fiction literature has gone beyond traditional gender definitions? How successful is it? Does this require aliens or magical creatures? Panelists: Lee Martindale, Jean Marie Ward. 2:30 p.m., Greenbriar Room (Hyatt)
Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading –The broad-minded science fiction and fantasy writers of Broad Universe bring you a buffet of snack readings just when you need it most. Unlike most other DragonCon panels, this one will run two and a half hours to accommodate lots of writers, including some not listed on the guest list. Panelists: Marcia Colette, Kathryn Hinds, Gail Martin, Racheline Maltese, Sandra Ann McDonald, Tee Morris, Jean Marie Ward, Trisha Wooldridge and more. 7 p.m., Fairlie Room (Hyatt)
Sex in Science Fiction & Fantasy: Too Much or Not Enough? – With the rise of paranormal romance, sex seems to have become de rigueur. Is this right or wrong? Why or why not? Panelists: Sandra Ann McDonald, Van Plexico, Jean Marie Ward. 10 p.m. Greenbriar Room (Hyatt)
The Future of Urban Fantasy – Where does the genre go from here? Panelists: Jennifer Heddle, Althea Kontis, Heather Osborn, Jeanne C. Stein, Jean Marie Ward. 11:30 a.m., Montreal/Vancouver Room (Hyatt)
Under Raven’s Wings: 200 Years of Poe – Poe’s influence on popular culture – sometimes in unexpected ways. Panelists: John Everson, C. Gilbert, Kat Richardson, Rogue, Stephen H. Segal, Jean Marie Ward. 1 p.m., Montreal/Vancouver Room (Hyatt)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Fantasy Art Templates
Saturday, August 22, 2009
17 Reasons Why DragonCon Is a Regency Country House Party
Would I lie to you? Well, not about this...
Short Story Video: "Duzell's Due"
Decided to start working on my book video skills in anticipation of all the different projects scheduled for next year. Yeah, yeah, I know I need to invest in a music editing program, but one thing at a time. Happy weekend!
duzell's due,
short story,
short story video,
ward theater
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Clash of the What?
Banging my head against the keyboard again. History Channel has started a new series about the Greek myths, Clash of the Gods. So far so good; any Greek mythology programs have to help Highway's chances. But oh, ugh, their knowledge of the myths is soooooo shallow. Not only that, but every stinking one of the figures listed as "gods" (and at least two of them ain't dieties, folks)--Zeus, Hercules, Hades and the Minotaur--are men. Hello? What about the rest of us?
Oh wait, they've just named another "god": Medusa. I don't think so.
Oh wait, they've just named another "god": Medusa. I don't think so.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
It's done! It's done! It's done... again
Finished the rewrite of Highway from Hell, which is now 82K and stuff. (Nothing like having to rewrite 40K to add 12K.) The next step is to let the manuscript rest a few days before reading it over and offering it up for beta.
Or maybe zeta. Some folks have really gone above and beyond on this one. But if there's anyone out there who hasn't read it and would like to dip their toes in the pond, please, let me know. The only hitch is I want to get this to the editor who requested it before I leave for DragonCon, so I'll need it back by August 24.
Or maybe zeta. Some folks have really gone above and beyond on this one. But if there's anyone out there who hasn't read it and would like to dip their toes in the pond, please, let me know. The only hitch is I want to get this to the editor who requested it before I leave for DragonCon, so I'll need it back by August 24.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Captain Blood in outer space? Oh noooooooes!
I guess the early works of Rafael Sabatini finally lapsed into the public domain. Warner Brothers (Warner Brothers!) has decided the time is ripe to update Captain Blood, the greatest pirate movie of the 20th century, by setting it in outer space. Variety has the details. Pardon me, I need to commit harikari now...
Wails (whales?), groans and much gnashing of teeth,
Jean Marie
*somewhere in a world far, far away, Errol Flynn is laughing hysterically*
Wails (whales?), groans and much gnashing of teeth,
Jean Marie
*somewhere in a world far, far away, Errol Flynn is laughing hysterically*
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Forget Necessity
Desperation is the mother of invention in this house.
I was trying to line up the August blogs I owe to blog sites other than my own. The goal was to get it all over with now, so I'd have more time to write next month. They were all playing nicely except my August 22 Samhain blog. Given the date, I'd be a fool not do something related to DragonCon, but what? The program schedules are almost never finalized until the week before Labor Day, and I was pretty sure I've written everything there is to write about the con.
Should I do something about the balls? The Masquerade? The guests? My costume changes?
Then it hit me: Sixteen Ways DragonCon Is Like a Regency Country House Party.
The weird thing is, it works.
'Til later...
I was trying to line up the August blogs I owe to blog sites other than my own. The goal was to get it all over with now, so I'd have more time to write next month. They were all playing nicely except my August 22 Samhain blog. Given the date, I'd be a fool not do something related to DragonCon, but what? The program schedules are almost never finalized until the week before Labor Day, and I was pretty sure I've written everything there is to write about the con.
Should I do something about the balls? The Masquerade? The guests? My costume changes?
Then it hit me: Sixteen Ways DragonCon Is Like a Regency Country House Party.
The weird thing is, it works.
'Til later...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I <3 Writers
Been out of the loop this week not quite attending the Romance Writers of America's 2009 national conference. I decided to skip the conference itself but not the chance to see my friends.
Jana Oliver came early to visit and get a taste of the city. We cruised Adams Morgan on Tuesday. Wednesday we toured some of DC's choicest treasures: the Renwick Museum of American Art, the Freer (Asian Art and the extraordinary Peacock Room by James McNeill Whistler), the Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress (my favorite building in DC) and the infamous "Black Aggie" counterfeit of St. Gaudens' Grief, then topped everything off with a ghost tour of Alexandria. (Thanks again, Jana!)
Yesterday, I was honored to dine with the super women of From the Heart Romance Writers, RWA's online chapter at Cafe Paradiso. Great bunch of ladies, and I hope to be able to play more in their sandbox soon.
Today was party central. First came the Samhain Publishing bash. Senior editor Angela James opened her suite to an eclectic mix of Samhain authors (hey, Monica Burns, Allie Blue, Terri Schaefer and Leigh Wyndfield!), aspiring Samhain authors, fans and "friends of the family" like Jennifer Jackson and Lucienne Diver. My only regret was I didn't get to connect with two of my personal faves, cover artist extraordinaire Anne Cain and Kate Johnson. I think they were hiding from me. (And I'm so harmless; ask anyone!)
Afterwards, I ran into old friend Venus Campbell and her critique partner Lori. Venus and I met at the 2006 BEA. At the moment she's completed five novels and submitted none of them. Hmm, obviously someone needs a serious nagging. But other than that, she's almost perfect. And yes, I am hoping this will give her a little nudge. :-) Oddly enough, I ran into Marcia Colette while I was hanging with Venus and Lori, not at the Samhain party. Go figure.
Finally, the Harlequin party. This is the event all of RWA waits for, and they did themselves proud for their 60th anniversary. There were bars themed to the decades of Harlequin's operations. (The champagne was at the 1980s bar. Guess where I was...when I wasn't dancing, that is.) There were incredible desserts, a slide show of Harlequin covers and cover shoots (very funny). I finally got to congratulate Jeri Smith-Ready on her Prism for Wicked Game and wave manically to a great many friends from my local RWA chapter, Washington Romance Writers.
Eventually, I found a seat at the table with Jana, her agent Meredith Bernstein, her good friend P.C. Cast and P.C.'s charming dad, who was the unquestioned belle of this particular ball. Mr. Cast has the loveliest old-fashioned manners, and he dances!
First he cut the rug with Meredith (and me, but mostly Meredith, whose sequinned skirt gave me serious skirt envy. Her blue pumps weren't bad either.) After that, the women wouldn't let the man stay in his chair. You have not lived until you've seen Nora Roberts twirling to "Jailhouse Rock" in the arms of P. C. Cast's dad. And P.C. snapped the pictures to prove it. I only hope she posts them. Afterwards, Nora confessed she needed to recover, because she couldn't keep up. "And I'm in good shape!" she added. Mr. Cast is going to have some great stories to bring home to the missus. I suggested he bring her next time, and I think he will. This kind of good time is too good not to share. :-)
Jana Oliver came early to visit and get a taste of the city. We cruised Adams Morgan on Tuesday. Wednesday we toured some of DC's choicest treasures: the Renwick Museum of American Art, the Freer (Asian Art and the extraordinary Peacock Room by James McNeill Whistler), the Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress (my favorite building in DC) and the infamous "Black Aggie" counterfeit of St. Gaudens' Grief, then topped everything off with a ghost tour of Alexandria. (Thanks again, Jana!)
Yesterday, I was honored to dine with the super women of From the Heart Romance Writers, RWA's online chapter at Cafe Paradiso. Great bunch of ladies, and I hope to be able to play more in their sandbox soon.
Today was party central. First came the Samhain Publishing bash. Senior editor Angela James opened her suite to an eclectic mix of Samhain authors (hey, Monica Burns, Allie Blue, Terri Schaefer and Leigh Wyndfield!), aspiring Samhain authors, fans and "friends of the family" like Jennifer Jackson and Lucienne Diver. My only regret was I didn't get to connect with two of my personal faves, cover artist extraordinaire Anne Cain and Kate Johnson. I think they were hiding from me. (And I'm so harmless; ask anyone!)
Afterwards, I ran into old friend Venus Campbell and her critique partner Lori. Venus and I met at the 2006 BEA. At the moment she's completed five novels and submitted none of them. Hmm, obviously someone needs a serious nagging. But other than that, she's almost perfect. And yes, I am hoping this will give her a little nudge. :-) Oddly enough, I ran into Marcia Colette while I was hanging with Venus and Lori, not at the Samhain party. Go figure.
Finally, the Harlequin party. This is the event all of RWA waits for, and they did themselves proud for their 60th anniversary. There were bars themed to the decades of Harlequin's operations. (The champagne was at the 1980s bar. Guess where I was...when I wasn't dancing, that is.) There were incredible desserts, a slide show of Harlequin covers and cover shoots (very funny). I finally got to congratulate Jeri Smith-Ready on her Prism for Wicked Game and wave manically to a great many friends from my local RWA chapter, Washington Romance Writers.
Eventually, I found a seat at the table with Jana, her agent Meredith Bernstein, her good friend P.C. Cast and P.C.'s charming dad, who was the unquestioned belle of this particular ball. Mr. Cast has the loveliest old-fashioned manners, and he dances!
First he cut the rug with Meredith (and me, but mostly Meredith, whose sequinned skirt gave me serious skirt envy. Her blue pumps weren't bad either.) After that, the women wouldn't let the man stay in his chair. You have not lived until you've seen Nora Roberts twirling to "Jailhouse Rock" in the arms of P. C. Cast's dad. And P.C. snapped the pictures to prove it. I only hope she posts them. Afterwards, Nora confessed she needed to recover, because she couldn't keep up. "And I'm in good shape!" she added. Mr. Cast is going to have some great stories to bring home to the missus. I suggested he bring her next time, and I think he will. This kind of good time is too good not to share. :-)
angela james,
jana oliver,
monica burns,
nora roberts,
p.c. cast,
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The Good Stuff--Writing Edition

To mark the occasion, Ellen held a party June 21 at Generous George’s Positive Pizza, a funky Alexandria VA landmark which features the kind of retro chic Lacey revels in. My photos don’t do either the event or the place justice, but at least I captured the big smile on Ellen’s face as the credits faded to black following Killer Hair. The movie and its sequel, Hostile Makeover, are very good introductions to the books. They’re bright, funny and feature lots of great clothes—three of my favorite things. Here’s hoping Lifetime feels the same and picks up Crime of Fashion as a weekly series.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Baltimore-Area Booksigning
If you happen to be in the Baltimore area this Saturday, you might want to drop in at the Parkside Restaurant anytime from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. DC Area Storytellers D. Renee Bagby (also a Samhain author), Stephanie Burke, Anthony Stevens and I will be reading from published stories and upcoming works, and signing and selling our books. Knowing this group, we'll probably manage to get into a fair amount of trouble too. I mean, they serve drinks and food at this place, and I saw Animal House at a very impressionable age. Just don't say you weren't warned...
Saturday, June 6, 2009
New con pics, 2009 edition
My first crop of 2009 con photos can be seen on my Saturday blog at Beyond the Veil. Eventually, I plan to post Flickr galleries of all three events (the WRW Retreat, RavenCon and Balticon), but for now you'll have to be satisfied with photos P.C. Cast, Jennifer Enderlin and Steve Miller. Mwahahaha!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Yesterday I Will

And then there's my story... ;-)
short stories,
yesterday i will
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Back from Balticon
Yeah, yeah, I know I owe you blogs and photos from three conferences, but for Balticon I had help.

If you want to put it all together, check out Kelly Harmon's blog about her first day at Balticon. And if you can't get enough of meme, check out Gail Z. Martin's coverage of the Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading. Better yet, check out the video for the other wonderful writers, like Gail and Kelly, whose stories I highly recommend.

If you want to put it all together, check out Kelly Harmon's blog about her first day at Balticon. And if you can't get enough of meme, check out Gail Z. Martin's coverage of the Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading. Better yet, check out the video for the other wonderful writers, like Gail and Kelly, whose stories I highly recommend.
broad universe,
gail z. martin,
kelly harmon
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Shameless Balticon Promotion
I’m going back on con time this weekend. From Friday to Monday, May 22-25, you’ll find me at Balticon, Baltimore’s premier science fiction and fantasy con, held over the Memorial Day Weekend at the Hunt Valley Marriott. I hope you’ll check it out. And if you’re looking for me in particular, here’s where you’ll find me:
Friday, 6 p.m.
Humor in Science Fiction and Fantasy - Panelists will help you see the humor you may have missed in the work of Charles Stross and others. They will also look at the history of humor in the genres from Feghoots to the present. Panelists: Tom Doyle, Grig Larson, James Daniel Ross and Jean Marie Ward.
Saturday, 3 p.m.
Television Science Fiction and Fantasy – Admit it, you love it. But it makes you feel so guilty in the morning. Panelists: Dale Arnold, Brenda Clough, Thomas Horman, Elaine Stiles and Jean Marie Ward.
Saturday, 7 p.m.
Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading – Six of Balticon’s featured women writers bring you into their worlds with six-minute readings from their newest fiction. (I plan to read my latest, “Lord Bai’s Discovery of Bacon”. The editor who asked for it will be in the audience. Be afraid. Be very afraid.) Panelists: Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Roxanne Bland, Kelly A. Harmon, Gail Z. Martin, Jean Marie Ward and Trisha J. Woolridge.
Sunday, 4 p.m.
Reading as Exploration - Tell us about books you have explored recently or those you remember from the past. Panelists: David Glenn Anderson, Robert R. Chase, Darrell Schweitzer, Jean Marie Ward and Martin Morse Wooster.
Friday, 6 p.m.
Humor in Science Fiction and Fantasy - Panelists will help you see the humor you may have missed in the work of Charles Stross and others. They will also look at the history of humor in the genres from Feghoots to the present. Panelists: Tom Doyle, Grig Larson, James Daniel Ross and Jean Marie Ward.
Saturday, 3 p.m.
Television Science Fiction and Fantasy – Admit it, you love it. But it makes you feel so guilty in the morning. Panelists: Dale Arnold, Brenda Clough, Thomas Horman, Elaine Stiles and Jean Marie Ward.
Saturday, 7 p.m.
Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading – Six of Balticon’s featured women writers bring you into their worlds with six-minute readings from their newest fiction. (I plan to read my latest, “Lord Bai’s Discovery of Bacon”. The editor who asked for it will be in the audience. Be afraid. Be very afraid.) Panelists: Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Roxanne Bland, Kelly A. Harmon, Gail Z. Martin, Jean Marie Ward and Trisha J. Woolridge.
Sunday, 4 p.m.
Reading as Exploration - Tell us about books you have explored recently or those you remember from the past. Panelists: David Glenn Anderson, Robert R. Chase, Darrell Schweitzer, Jean Marie Ward and Martin Morse Wooster.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
DragonCon Whoops
That's whoops as in "cheers", not the kind you say when you drop something. Derek Tatum, the chair of the DragonCon Dark Fantasy track, has posted his preliminary guest list, and look who's on it:
Michelle Belanger
Doug Bradley
Elizabeth Donald
John Everson
Allan Gilbreath
Christopher Golden
Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Charlaine Harris
Raven Hart
Mark Henry
Stacia Kane
Sherrilyn Kenyon
Jackie Kessler
Caitlin Kittredge
Alethea Kontis
Rosemary Laurey
J.F. Lewis
Jonathan Maberry
Marianne Mancusi
Richelle Mead
Mike Mignola
Scott Nicholson
Cherie Priest
Kat Richardson
Stephen H. Segal
Jeanne Stein
Jean Marie Ward
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
Can you tell I'm grinning from ear to ear? :D
Cheers and smiles,
Michelle Belanger
Doug Bradley
Elizabeth Donald
John Everson
Allan Gilbreath
Christopher Golden
Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Charlaine Harris
Raven Hart
Mark Henry
Stacia Kane
Sherrilyn Kenyon
Jackie Kessler
Caitlin Kittredge
Alethea Kontis
Rosemary Laurey
J.F. Lewis
Jonathan Maberry
Marianne Mancusi
Richelle Mead
Mike Mignola
Scott Nicholson
Cherie Priest
Kat Richardson
Stephen H. Segal
Jeanne Stein
Jean Marie Ward
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
Can you tell I'm grinning from ear to ear? :D
Cheers and smiles,
The Podcast
As noted in my tweet, the next voice you'll hear on Gail Z. Martin's Ghost in the Machine podcast is mine. She did an amazing job, especially considering I was having one of those days where my brain wasn't talking to my mouth. LOL Sometimes I think writers have more of those than anybody else. Enjoy!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Going to RavenCon

5 p.m.: Twice-Told Tales
Some of the most popular adult and young adult fantasy in today’s market are retellings of classic fairy tales and myths. What’s the allure? How do writers find something new to say about the stories we all know?
Panelists: Marcia Collette, Edmund Schubert (moderator), Jean Marie Ward, John C. Wright
7 p.m.: Writing 411: (Not Necessarily) The Usual Suspects (90-minute literary workshop)
Dracula, Sherlock Holmes, Jack Bauer, Reno—chances are the thing you like best and remember longest about your favorite stories are the characters. This session will discuss the importance of characters in the creation of plot.
Panelists: Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Jean Marie Ward, Allen Wold (moderator), John C. Wright
10 p.m.: Urban Fantasy 101
Werewolves, vampires, shapeshifters—these used to be classic “horror” elements. What defines Urban Fantasy and how does it differ from classic horror?
Panelists: Danny Birt, Marcia Colette, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Hildy Silverman, Jean Marie Ward (moderator)
Some of the most popular adult and young adult fantasy in today’s market are retellings of classic fairy tales and myths. What’s the allure? How do writers find something new to say about the stories we all know?
Panelists: Marcia Collette, Edmund Schubert (moderator), Jean Marie Ward, John C. Wright
7 p.m.: Writing 411: (Not Necessarily) The Usual Suspects (90-minute literary workshop)
Dracula, Sherlock Holmes, Jack Bauer, Reno—chances are the thing you like best and remember longest about your favorite stories are the characters. This session will discuss the importance of characters in the creation of plot.
Panelists: Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Jean Marie Ward, Allen Wold (moderator), John C. Wright
10 p.m.: Urban Fantasy 101
Werewolves, vampires, shapeshifters—these used to be classic “horror” elements. What defines Urban Fantasy and how does it differ from classic horror?
Panelists: Danny Birt, Marcia Colette, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Hildy Silverman, Jean Marie Ward (moderator)
3 p.m.: Dead Authors Society
Four authors channel the spirits of their favorite dead authors for the duration. Talk to William Morris, David Gemmel, Louie L’Amour and Mary Shelley live…sort of.Panelists: Lyn Gardner, Laurel Anne Hill, Peter Prellwitz, Tony Ruggiero (moderator), Jean Marie Ward
6 p.m.: Books on TV
Several new series are popping up on TV based on popular novels--TrueBlood and Legend of the Seeker, for example. How closely do these TV shows follow their inspiration and will book fans follow them to television?
Panelists: James Fulbright, Jean Marie Ward
10 p.m.: Love at First Bite
What is it about vampires? From TrueBlood to Twilight, vampires seem to be taking over. What makes them fun to read and watch? Oh… and do they deserve “human rights” or are they “monsters”?
Panelists: Paul Bibeau, Marcia Collette, Tony Ruggiero (moderator), Jean Marie Ward
Noon: Does Blood Smell?
A panel about some of the more “icky” aspects of writing and research.
Panelists: Laurel Anne Hill, Gail Martin, Tony Ruggiero (moderator), Maggie Stiefvater, Jean Marie Ward
Four authors channel the spirits of their favorite dead authors for the duration. Talk to William Morris, David Gemmel, Louie L’Amour and Mary Shelley live…sort of.Panelists: Lyn Gardner, Laurel Anne Hill, Peter Prellwitz, Tony Ruggiero (moderator), Jean Marie Ward
6 p.m.: Books on TV
Several new series are popping up on TV based on popular novels--TrueBlood and Legend of the Seeker, for example. How closely do these TV shows follow their inspiration and will book fans follow them to television?
Panelists: James Fulbright, Jean Marie Ward
10 p.m.: Love at First Bite
What is it about vampires? From TrueBlood to Twilight, vampires seem to be taking over. What makes them fun to read and watch? Oh… and do they deserve “human rights” or are they “monsters”?
Panelists: Paul Bibeau, Marcia Collette, Tony Ruggiero (moderator), Jean Marie Ward
Noon: Does Blood Smell?
A panel about some of the more “icky” aspects of writing and research.
Panelists: Laurel Anne Hill, Gail Martin, Tony Ruggiero (moderator), Maggie Stiefvater, Jean Marie Ward
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Too many farewells: Andy Hallett

Then I reread his Crescent Blues interview. I'd forgotten what a butterfly he was--a not-so-little boy (he stood over a foot taller than me) let loose in the great candy shop of life. Almost eight years later, the wonder and the joy still shine through. In the words of "Lady Marmalade", his favorite song, Andy never had to go back home, doing 9 to 5, living a gray flannel life. Which is only right, butterflies hate gray.
So long, Andy. I hope your next turn boasts satin sheets, sweet magnolia wine and lots of more, more, more.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
DragonCon, here I come
My name is listed on the DragonCon Guests Page, and they've given me a biography of my very own. So it's official, I will be adding my own special brand of madness to DragonCon, September 4-7. Not only that, they've added a new track featuring everybody's favorite new genre, Steampunk. Okay, now you have Lois McMasters Bujold, Charlaine Harris and ME--plus that brand new Steampunk track--on the schedule. Why haven't you bought your membership yet? ;-)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
With flourishes and fanfares, I give you
My new home on the web is complete. is now live. The links work, including the Amazon gifs. (Yes, I'm an affiliate. Don't hate me.) I still can't crosspost between blogs, but I can copy and paste for the time being.
I'll be leaving up on the web as a tribute to Teri. But all the new stuff--including free reads, banners and videos (when I get good enough to make them)--will be posted at the new place. Enjoy!
I'll be leaving up on the web as a tribute to Teri. But all the new stuff--including free reads, banners and videos (when I get good enough to make them)--will be posted at the new place. Enjoy!
jean marie ward,,
web pages
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