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    Sunday, March 2, 2025


    Things are about to get hot—in my fiction, that is. “Burning Down the House,” the first installment in my Sorcerer vs. Sorcerer series from Ginger Blue Publishing, hits the virtual shelves in less than two weeks. Think Dumb and Dumber or Spy vs. Spy, only with magic.

    Eddie Woodhouse and Ducky “Duc d’ Or” Orr are opposites in every way. Eddie is a low-rent sorcerer from the wrong side of the tracks with a record of screw-ups a mile long. Ducky is magus with a doctorate in thaumaturgy from a line sorcerers stretching all the way back to the Middle Ages. Every time they meet, something goes boom. And now, Eddie has swallowed a djinni.

    Did I mention Eddie is a screw up?

    The book will be available from all the usual suspects:


    Barnes & Noble

    Apple Books


    And I’ve got some online readings planned to celebrate. More about that soon. Meanwhile, revel in that gorgeous cover. My loopy sorcerers never had it so good.

    #fantasy #sorcerers #comedy #sff #90minuteread #novella #gingerbluepublishing

    Wednesday, February 26, 2025

    Economic Black-Outs and Me


    Friday is the first Economic Blackout date. The goal here is to show the power of people acting together. The bro-ligarchs have forgotten that their wealth and power depends on the power of our purses. It’s time to remind them where true power lies.

    This is about acting together, because we can. We must.

    It is NOT about boycotting any of these super-corps indefinitely. Honestly, that’s impossible. Too many independent creators—including writers and small press—depend on Amazon and partners like Kickstarter. (Yes, folks, Kickstarter is in partnership with Amazon. To say nothing of The Washington Post, which is owned by Jeff Bezos.) If you buy pet food or baby formula, you’re buying Nestle. Period. In some parts of America, Walmart is the only store around. And heaven help the parent who tries to avoid General Mills in the cereal aisle.

    But we CAN arrange our purchases to make sure there are carefully chosen gaps in the profit stream WITHOUT harming small businesses or denying ourselves the products we need.

    This is NOT about extremism. Even on blackout dates, if anyone in my family gets sick, I’m going to be at the drug store buying medicine and supplies. Nobody would question that. It’s not about harming ourselves. It’s about sending a message. Anyone who says differently is either misinformed or gaslighting you.

    Full disclosure, I’ve got skin in the Amazon game. My primary publisher is a micro press. Ninety percent of their sales come from Amazon, and they’ve assigned my next title a March publication date for my new release, Burning Down the House. Another of my publishers is running a March Kickstarter I really want to succeed. If I can’t work out a promotional strategy that recognizes this initiative and encourages people to buy AROUND it, I’m screwed. Doesn’t matter if I participate in the black-out (spoiler alert: I will) or not. There will be a dip in purchases, because people will observe the blackout dates, regardless of what I do.

    To say differently is to deny what’s happening. Memes and images like the ones I post are the equivalent of traffic alerts. When you’re listening to the radio and hear there’s an accident on the road you planned to take, do you yell at the traffic report, or do you take a different route? If you’re at the supermarket, and the PA system announces, “Spill on Aisle 5,” do you bullheadedly drive your shopping cart through a puddle of tomato sauce and broken glass?

    Some people claim economic blackouts don’t address the real problem. The real problem is corruption. No kidding. Our nation is being gutted by a convicted felon who has been described in official Russian media as a Russian asset, an undesirable alien, a hypocritical band of toady oligarchs, and their shills in congress and the judiciary. Together they hold all the traditional levers of political power.

    Traditional methods won’t work. There are no traditional remedies for corruption on this scale. The next election cycle will be too late. We must act together and use whatever legal means we can to right their wrongs. Now.

    It’s an American tradition, going all the way back to the founding of our nation. We’ve faced seemingly insurmountable odds before. There once was a mad king surrounded by fawning, corrupt aristocrats and the equally corrupt judges they controlled. They also exempted themselves from taxes and increased them for everyone else to pay for their pleasures and reinforce their position at the top of the food chain. Thomas Paine wrote about it. “These are the times that try men’s souls.”

    But right now, the words that resonate with me are those of Ben Franklin upon the signing of the Declaration of Independence: “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

    Let us hang together now.

    Tuesday, February 4, 2025

    Tuesday, February 4, 2025

    This afternoon, I stood among a group of over a dozen Representatives, outside the Treasury Department. These Reps. included members of the Oversight, Ways and Means, & Homeland Security, all of which have oversight over the Treasury. They requested to be admitted to find out what Elon Musk and his underage syncophants--none of whom were elected or have any official standing--were doing rifling the data and money that belong to the American people. The two Secret Service agents guarding the approach to the building were clearly out of their depth. They spent roughly 40 minutes running in and out of the building trying to help. Finally they got word that the Secretary of the Treasury, who is legally and Constitutionally obligated to respond to Congress, denied them access. He said he was "too busy" to talk to them. THEY ARE HIS BOSSES. Not Elon Musk.

    Afterwards, these Representatives, joined several Senators, including Minority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer and SENATOR ELIZABETH WARREN Fighting for Progressive Values to condemn the hostile take over of federal payment systems and all the data associated with them by, in the words of one speaker, "a nepo man-baby" with nothing but contempt for working Americans.
    That contempt extends to Republicans as well as Democrats. All our data. All our money. All the services WE PAID FOR. Everything is under attack.

    This is a coup and a Constitutional crisis the likes of which we have never faced before. We must join together to ensure a “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” President Abraham Lincoln wrote that line in his Gettysburg Address. He was a Republican, but I guarantee you, he would stand with us now.

    Join the fight. It starts in the Senate. Call your Senators--Republican and Democrat. Demand they Shut Down The Senate (Chuck Shumer's slogan, btw) to stop the bro-ligarch's power grab. Tell th

    -Blanket opposition: Vote “NO” on every Trump nominee, starting with Russell Vought (pronounced “Vote”), the Project 2025 architect that Trump wants to run the Office of Management and Budget.

    -Weaponize quorum calls: Disrupt official business by calling for a quorum check at any opportunity and walking out if Republicans don’t have 51 votes on the floor.

    -Block unanimous consent: Eat up as much floor time as possible by objecting to unanimous consent requests and forcing each procedural step to take the maximum amount of time.

    We have to fight back and make governing so painful for the bro-ligarchs that they can’t just steamroll their agenda. The more that we can disrupt, obstruct, and delay, the less damage they can do.

    Let's get our country back!

    Read more here:

    Wednesday, September 25, 2024

    My 2024 Capclave Schedule

    Come one, come all to Capclave, DC’s hometown con. The festivities start Friday afternoon (September 27) and run all the way until 4 PM Sunday (September 29) at the Hilton Washington, DC/Rockville, MD, Meeting Center. I’ll be there, participating in the six great events listed below. Hope you’ll join me and share the fun




    4 PM, Washington Theater

    An Offline Discussion of Online Events (Ends at: 4:55 PM)

    Participants: Andy Duncan, Morgan Hazelwood (M), Sarah Mitchell, Jean Marie Ward
    Costs are rising, volunteers are hard to get, and people are firm in their beliefs. A few years removed from the rise of online and hybrid events, panelists discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and future of these events.


    8 PM, Washington Theater

    This One Time... (Ends at: 8:55 PM)

    Participants: Morgan Hazelwood, Ian Randal Strock, Michael A. Ventrella, Jean Marie Ward (M)
    It may not have been at band camp, but we are involved in stories our whole life. From a young age to the current day, something is almost always happening. Panelists tell brief funny stories from their life, career, and friends.


    10 PM, Eisenhower

    Hold My Beer (Ends at: 10:55 PM)

    Participants: Danian Jerry, Jennifer R. Povey, Sheree Renée Thomas, Michael A. Ventrella, Jean Marie Ward (M)
    Just when you thought the world couldn't get any stranger, this happened. A discussion of the current world. No topic off the table. Trigger Warning.




    7 PM, Mass Signing and Awards Ceremony (Ends at: 8:55 PM) Atrium

    The annual gathering of Capclave attendees with presentation of the Guest of Honor Gifts, the WSFA Small Press Award, and the Baltimore Science Fiction Society's Amateur Writers Award.




    1 PM, Author Reading: Jean Marie Ward (Ends at: 1:25) Adams


    2 PM, Companions, Pets, and More (Ends at 2:55 PM) Eisenhower

    Participants: Jennifer Brinn, Randee Dawn (M), Matt Dinniman, Miguel O. Mitchell, Jean Marie Ward
    Princess Donut, Lassie, and Big Dee each play a role in moving the plot forward. What is the role of the animal character? How do you convince readers of their animal nature even while they develop beyond the simple impulses of their origins.

    Tuesday, August 27, 2024

    My Dragon Con 2024 Schedule

    Dragon Con is almost here, and I have I got a schedule for you. Look at those topics! Look at those participants! And if you haven’t yet bought a copy of my new collection of short stories, Dragons, Cats, and Formidable Femmes, you buy your own—and get it autographed—at the Fantasy Gather, Friday, August 30, from 8 until midnight. See you soon!

    Title: Social Media. Friend, Enemy, or Frenemy?
    Description: Some people whiz through social media platforms easily. Others struggle. This panel demystifies the process so that your promotional efforts are rewarding rather than overwhelming.
    Panelists: Tyra Burton, Gail Z Martin, S. L. Rowland, Jean Marie Ward, Venessa Giunta(M), Theresa Glover
    Time: Fri 01:00 pm
    Location: Embassy EF Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)

    Title: The House Doesn't Always Win: A SurrealEstate Fan Panel
    Description: A moderated fan panel discussion over the first two seasons of the popular show.
    Panelists: Jean Marie Ward, D.R. Perry, Lisa Harrison, Laura Beard Hayden, Rocky Shields, Carol Malcolm(M)
    Time: Fri 05:30 pm
    Location: Chastain 1-2 Westin (Length: 1 Hour)

    Title: Fantasy Gather
    Description: Fantasy writers at Dragon Con sell their current releases one-on-one
    Panelists: Multiple authors
    Time: Set-up 0700 pm, Event Fri 08:00 pm (Length: 4 Hours)
    Location: International Ballroom

    Title: Humor is Subjective: Everybody Laughs Differently
    Description: What one person thinks is funny isn't always funny to someone else. Our panelists discuss times when their funny...wasn't. And how to get it right.
    Panelists: Shami A Stovall, Benjamin Wallace, Jean Marie Ward(M), Kevin J. Anderson, Gini Koch
    Time: Sat 05:30 pm
    Location: Embassy AB Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)

    Title: Delphic Oracle
    Description: Watch our panelists play a game similar to telephone, but so much more fun for the rest of us.
    Panelists: Daniel Schinhofen, Gini Koch, Jean Marie Ward, J. B. Garner(M), Terry Maggert
    Time: Sat 08:30 pm
    Location: Embassy CD Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)

    Title: Herstorically Speaking: Women Who Changed the Tide of History
    Description: From kevlar to alphabet blocks, signal flares to paper bags, the extraordinary work of women has helped create our modern world. We've collected a panel of experts to tell the stories and struggles of women throughout history that might have been left out of your history book.
    Panelists: Esther Friesner, Mel Todd(M), Jean Marie Ward, Omisade Richardson, Jesse J. Holland
    Time: Sun 11:30 am
    Location: Macon Courtland Grand (Length: 1 Hour)

    Title: Historical Romance Novels: A Deep Dive into Our Craving for Love
    Description: Nothing is truer than love. There are times when we need romantic gestures, longing looks & the sweetness of love in our lives. If love is on your mind, listen in & bring discussion points as our panelists discuss the sweeter side of romance & where they turn when their heart craves a gentle touch.
    Panelists: Esther Friesner, Jean Marie Ward, Emily Myerscough(M), Nancy Northcott, Bethanne Kim
    Time: Sun 01:00 pm
    Location: Macon Courtland Grand (Length: 1 Hour)

    Title: Do the Classics Speak to the Current Generation of Fans
    Description: Many of the classic works of science fiction were written in a time that was markedly different from the world we live in now. Our panelists will discuss if these works still have something to say to the fans of today.
    Panelists: Bill Ritch, Jean Marie Ward (M), Ben Yalow, Storm Humbert, Robert J. Sawyer, Gray Rinehart, Alison Tracy
    Time: Sun 04:00 pm
    Location: Embassy AB Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)

    Title: Win, Lose or Draw!
    Description: Our traditional end of con contest where fans try to draw in order to make their team guess correctly!
    Panelists: Jean Marie Ward(M)
    Time: Mon 02:30 pm
    Location: Embassy AB Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)

    Sunday, July 7, 2024

    Forever Magpie

    My parents are both vets, and I always visit their grave around the dates of their respective deaths. Yesterday's visit to commemorate my dad was particularly bittersweet, because I'm getting ready to publish my first collection of short stories, Dragons, Cats, & Formidable Femmes from Ginger Blue Publishing. Dad died before I published my first nonfiction book, and Mom died shortly after I published my first novel. They never got to see my writing take off.

    But you know how it is. Even if you don't believe in an afterlife, you make believe to keep the connection with your loved ones alive. I always talk to my parents when I'm there. This time, I decided to leave a couple postcards featuring the pretty, shiny cover by the grave marker. Mother, especially, would have loved it. Her brother Pat nicknamed her "la gazza ladra"--"the thieving magpie"--for a reason. Mom could never resist anything sparkly. There was no danger of the cards turning into trash. It's a graveyard. Flowers and tributes are a given. The groundskeepers remove them on a regular schedule to keep the cemetery pristine.

    I photographed one of the cards against Dad's side of the marker and wedged the card between the grass and tombstone to prevent it from annoying other visitors. Then I switched sides, photographed Mom's, and tried to position her card behind the grass next to the marble marker like I had Dad's.

    The card whooshed down the side of the headstone and disappeared under the sod like I'd found the mail slot to the Underworld. I wouldn't have thought you could slide a knife blade between the marker and the dirt, much less seven inches of cardstock. I burst out laughing. "You're still a magpie! Well, wherever you are, Mom, just remember, pre-orders mean love."

    Tuesday, May 21, 2024

    Heading to Balticon


    Thanks to Amy Kaplan, I’ll be back at Balticon this year. If you’re in Baltimore this Memorial Day weekend and want to sample some of the best #SF, #fantasy, & #horror around, check it out at the Renaissance Harbor Place Hotel. My schedule can be found here. I don’t have a signing, but I do have pre-order postcards featuring the lovely cover for my upcoming short story collection from Ginger Blue Publishing, which I’ll be happy to autograph. PSA for all the writers you like, not just me: Pre-orders = <3. More than the money, they boost our rankings at all points of sale, giving more people the chance to discover us. But there’s no commitment attached to the cards I sign. I just want everyone to see this gorgeous cover up close. :D

    Wednesday, August 10, 2022

    My Preliminary Schedule for Dragon Con 2022

    It’s finally starting to feel real. Dragon Con just sent my preliminary schedule for this year’s con. The panels, dates, and times may change, but my final schedule will be close to what you see here. Can’t wait! I’ve been missing my friends way too long!

    Hope to see you there!

    Thursday, September 1

    Title: Virtual: Fact or Fiction, A&HFT 2022 Edition
    Description: Our historical fiction writers will refresh your memory on major historical events and goings-on. Of course, not everyone can remember history as it truly happens. Is it fact? Is it fiction? Join our cast of unlucky souls who will determine which story is FACT and which is FICTION...
    Time: 10:00 am
    Location: STRM_YTTC (Length: 1 Hour)

    Friday, September 2

    Title: Defining SF in the Era of the Sub-Genre
    Description: There are so many different definitions of sf. There are an equal number of sub-genres (military sf, space opera, etc.) Our panelists discuss how definitions have changed through the years.
    Time: 11:30 am
    Location: Embassy AB (Length: 1 Hour)

    Title: Finding Balance: Shifters & Werecreatures in UF
    Description: Werecreatures & shifters of various types display a wide range of characteristics within the genre, and each deals differently with maintaining a balance between their human and non-human side. Our panel of authors will discuss their versions, as well as some of their favorites in books & media.
    Time: 01:00 pm
    Location: Chastain 1-2 (Length: 1 Hour)

    Title: Humor in SF
    Description: It takes a deft hand to imbue science fiction with humor, Whether it is subtle or slapstick, our panelists talk about how this is best done and give examples.
    Time: 07:00 pm
    Location: Embassy AB (Length: 1 Hour)

    Saturday, September 3

    Title: Herstorically Speaking: Vanishing Women in History
    Description: Explore the women that changed the world as we know it, both living and dead. Where would we be without these women that seem to have vanished into the mists of time and how would the world have changed if they hadn't been erased?
    Time: 05:30 pm
    Location: Macon (Length: 1 Hour)

    Sunday, September 4

    Title: Scandalous: Historical Gossip
    Description: Some of our favorite authors share secrets and stories they've uncovered as they dug deep in their research. Bring the tea, because these authors will spill it as they unearth the side of history that couldn't remain hidden forever.
    Time: 05:30 pm
    Location: Macon (Length: 1 Hour)

    Monday, September 5

    Title: If I Could Do It Over Again...
    Description: Every writer makes a (some? many?) mistake. Maybe this panel will help beginning writers avoid those same mistakes.
    Time: 11:30 am
    Location: Embassy EF (Length: 1 Hour)

    Title: Win, Lose or Draw
    Description: The game show where contestants have to draw various things from sf, Dragon Con itself, and fantasy. If their team guesses it in the allotted time, they win the round.
    Time: 02:30 pm
    Location: Embassy AB (Length: 1 Hour)

    Tags: #DragonCon #conschedule #JeanMarieWard

    Wednesday, May 25, 2022

    My Schedule for Balticon 2022

    Balticon is almost here, and I can’t wait to see my friends—including you! I hope you’ll join us at the Renaissance Harborplace Hotel overlooking Baltimore’s Inner Harbor May 27-30 for all kinds of fannish fun. I also hope you’ll check out one of my panels or my Sunday reading. It’s a great slate of topics and participants. See you there!


    4 PM, James Meeting Room

    Dark Baptism: Coming Into Her Power

    How does the supernatural teenage girl trope explore important themes like coming of age, social alienation, and finding a path?

    Panelists: Gwendolyn Clare, Michael N. Jones, Ryan O’Nan, Michelle D. Sonnier, Jean Marie Ward (moderator)

    7 PM, Virtual Panel Room 1

    Frontier Fiction

    From undersea development to life in the asteroid belt, it's not just "the weird wild west" out there. What other frontiers can be sought out and explored through SFF? Why is life on the frontier an interesting setting for SFF? How do you write frontier fiction without simply reworking colonial/imperialist dogma?

    Panelists: C.J. Cherryh, Monica Louzon, Gillian Polack, Jay Smith, Beth Morris Tanner (mod), Jean Marie Ward

    8:30 PM, Guilford Meeting Room

    Alternate History—Just Add Magic!

    Starting with a well-known period of history and throwing in magical elements into the mix is a popular approach to developing a basic concept for a story. Examples of this include Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, The Enchanted Chocolate Pot, and the recent Dead Djinn Universe. We will talk about the benefits and pitfalls of this approach, how much rigor to put into the magical system, how much history you need to learn, and how to decide where to get started.

    Panelists: Phenderson Djèlí Clark, Tom Doyle, JL Gribble, Michelle D. Sonnier, Jean Marie Ward (mod)



    1 PM, Kent Meeting Room

    Most Of What You Know About History Is Wrong

    False, popular "facts" about history are so widespread that people often view documented facts with skepticism and even outrage. Medieval people did actually bathe, Edison did not invent the light bulb, and more than 300 soldiers defended Thermopylae. Let's tackle examples where real history runs into false popular narratives and the problems that result.

    Panelists: Tom Doyle, Ada Palmer, Alan Smale, Jean Marie Ward (mod)

    2:30 PM, James Meeting Room

    Getting The Most From A Writers Association

    Genre association groups such as the Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA) and the Romance Writers Association (RWA), as well as more local groups like the Maryland Writers Association (MWA), can offer benefits and perks. Panelists talk about what different groups have to offer and how to get the most out of your membership.

    Panelists: Joshua Bilmes, Carol Gyzander, Amy Kaplan (mod), Rosemary Claire Smith, Jean Marie Ward

    4 PM, Room 7029

    Breaking the Hero’s Journey

    There are many ways to break the established pattern while still making the journey entertaining for audiences. Panelists will examine examples of this and what makes them still satisfying to the audience.

    Panelists: Sarah Avery, Carl Cipra, Robert L. Slater, Rosemary Claire Smith, Jean Marie Ward (mod)



    1 PM, James Meeting Room

    Magic In The Ancient Mediterranean

    From Greek curse tablets to Mesopotamian healing spells, the ancient world was brimming with magic, magicians, and demonic dangers. Let's discuss what evidence survives, what it tells us about who wanted to use magic and why, and how we reconstruct the magical worlds of the past.

    Panelists: Tom Doyle, Rosemary Claire Smith (mod), John Robison, Rosemary Claire Smith, Jean Marie Ward, Sherri Cook Woosley

    2:30 PM, St. George Meeting Room


    Brian Ketchum and Jean Marie Ward

    7 PM, Virtual Panel Room 1

    Giving Your Work Away For Fun And Profit

    Everyone loves free stuff, but authors need to pay the bills. Can you make money by giving your work away, and if so, how do you choose what to distribute for free? What tools and metrics can you use to show a publisher or business partner that the work that you give away for free is driving sales?

    Panelists: Leonardo Espinoza Benavides, Brenda Clough, Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki, Angela Yuriko Smith (mod), Jean Marie Ward 

    Sunday, December 12, 2021

    My Discon III schedule


    I’m really going to do it this time. I’m going to attend a con, and not just any con, but DisCon III, the first Worldcon to be held in Washington, DC, since 1974. They even let me participate in the program. This may be a mistake. But you’ll only know if you check it out. All the deets can be found at Meanwhile, here are my panels:


    Wednesday, December 15

    4 PM, Forum Room (In-Person)

    What to See in DC

    Sarah Avery, Joshua Bilmes, Matt G. Leger (Moderator), DW “Lemur” Rowlands, Jean Marie Ward

    Listen to the locals. We’ll tell you all the cool stuff to see in Washington, DC, and the close in suburbs. You don’t want to miss this!


    Saturday, December 18

    1 PM, Kress (Virtual)

    Unsolved Historical Mysteries

    Emad Aysha, Kate Heartfield, D.W. Rowland, Steven H. Silver (moderator), Alan Smale, Jean Marie Ward

    Where is Punt? Where is Cleopatra buried? Who was Jack the Ripper? What happened to the Minoans? If you had access to time travel, which burning questions and unsolved mysteries from history would you want to solve?


    Sunday, Dec 19

    I PM, Capitol Room (In-Person)


    I’ll be sharing the hour with David D. Levine, the Andre Norton Award-winning author of Arabella of Mars, its sequels, and lots of short stories. And as always, there will be chocolate.


    Hope to see you there! 😊