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    Thursday, June 26, 2008

    Beavers And Turtles And Ducks, Oh My!

    I finally joined the YouTube Generation last night. Quite by accident I photographed a series of nature shots at a local stream that made a decent slide show. So if you want to see some of Virginia's not-quite-wild fauna, you might want to check out the results here. I happened to catch the patriarch of the beaver family, two snapping turtles (one of them with an 18-inch shell) and, of course, the ever-present ducks.

    BTW, the turtles like popcorn even more than the ducks--or maybe the ducks know better than to contest the matter.


    Jean Marie

    Sunday, June 1, 2008

    The Beach Said, "Ouch!"

    Figured I'd better establish raise the flag on Blogspot, if only to secure my name. Will be interesting to see how this works out. Cheers, Jean Marie